Gearing Up for Fall

By: Marketing

Last week we shared some tips for closing up a summer home. While not a direct selling opportunity piece, the content offers a soft-selling approach to making your business more relevant – and seen as an HVAC resource beyond just maintenance and emergencies.


This week, we thought we’d tackle fall prep.  We know fall is a big time of year for HVAC, especially as homeowners get ready for the winter.  We put together some easy tips that can be used to market to and attract new and old customers.  Let us know if you have any other tips to add to the list.

  1. Clean the furnace – clean the furnace and the areas around it. Furnaces can collect dust and debris over the summer – and move those beach chairs away from the furnace. There should be plenty of clean space around it – a 3-ft parameter is recommended.
  2. Clean your outside unit – Yes, you have an outside unit. Be sure to clean it and the surrounding area before the winter.
  3. Replace your air filters – Throw out last year’s filters – they will be of no help to you this winter and replace them with new ones. Mark your calendar every month to remind you to replace them.  A happy filter is a happy system. This is an important task that can prevent unnecessary breakdowns of your HVAC system.
  4. Check your thermostat – Check to make sure your thermostat is turning on the furnace. Change the setting to heat and set off the furnace. If you have an older thermostat, consider upgrading to a smart thermostat to save money.
  5. Know when to call the Professionals – While many homeowners are capable of doing their own winter maintenance, many HVAC manufacturer’s require annual maintenance per their warranty. If this is you, call your local HVAC professional in the early fall to get on their schedule before the winter rush of emergencies.


Why not use these below tips for our own marketing?  Use them to send out a mailer, approach the local town newspaper with a tips article or use this as fodder for your own blog or social media page.

22 Aug / 19 Odds & Ends
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