View from AHR Expo

By: Marketing
We had the pleasure of attending AHR Expo in Orlando last week and the opportunity to connect with long-standing customers and partners and, of course, got to meet some new folks as well. We always find it fun to go to these industry conferences. A big takeaway for us with the popularity of KONO Smart. Our complete portfolio of KONO Smart thermostats continues to spark interest. The very fun and cool décor-snap cover are always eye-catching and we love when attendees stop by to play with KONO’s intuitive knob, or the wheel as we call it. However, people still aren’t aware that KONO integrates with ZigBee and Zwave application platforms – good information to know Pros! Yes, we do cover it all with such a full suite of smart offerings. Aside from individual product offerings, being able to participate in a show like this enables us to highlight the entire Johnson Controls product line. Visually, attendees can see the complete solution that JCI offers, from thermostats for the home and office to sensors that work with rooftop units and more. The company truly offers solutions that help fuel a “smart city.” Customers are able to see the different vertical markets that we serve and understand the overall application of the full JCI product line. For the thermostat portfolio specifically, we showcased our thermostats in high-end hotels to illustrate their commercial use and living spaces for residential homes. As we capped off each day, we still would run into a few attendees who weren’t quite aware that the LUX brand was acquired by Johnson Controls. It was fun for us to walk them through the booth and showcase the full breath of controls that serve both the commercial and residential spaces and how LUX thermostats help complete that goal. So, if you’re at next year’s show, please plan to stop by – whether you are new to us or an old friend.
12 Feb / 20 Odds & Ends
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