• Perfect controls for heating-only systems such as fireplaces, pellet burning stoves, wood burning stoves, coal burning stoves and in-floor radiant heating systems
• Digital accuracy, 24V or millivolt compatibility, large easy-to-read backlit displays, and battery powered (no hardwiring required!)
• Easy to install for quicker job turnovers, simple to operate for reduced customer call-backs and priced for better profitability
Compatible With:
• Most 24V heating systems
• 1 stage heat only: gas, oil or electric (non-heat pump) systems
• 2 wire heat only hydronic systems (hot water, baseboard and radiator)
• Millivolt systems (wall heaters, furnaces and gas fireplaces)
Not Compatible With:
• Cooling systems
• Heat pump systems
• 3 wire hydronic systems
• Line voltage systems (120/240 VAC)